emergence//la aparición


4 Week Spring Ceremony Immersion

April 3, 2021 - April 24, 2021

Emerging from the season of darkness into light, warmth, creativity and growth

We're so happy to be inviting you to another series of the Ceremonia Sessions. This series will be focused on celebrating emergence from the darkness of winter (the season of introspection and gestation of seeds of intention we’ve planted) into the spring season, marked by a welcomed balance between light and darkness, with increased energies of creativity, vitality, rebirth and growth.


How do you know if this experience is meant for you?

You’re the adventurous and curious seeker who truly wants to discover the depths. You want to understand your personal, human experience and how to clear away the noise so you can hear the stirrings of your soul with more clarity. This experience is for anyone who in their core understands that we heal, grow and are supported in community. You believe in the power of kin and of the village. You know that what you give becomes what you receive. You openly want to learn from others in a cross-cultural space. You embody something uniquely yours to contribute to the world. You may be the young student or the wise teacher. An entrepreneur or an artist. A caretaker or a cultivator. A community builder or a misfit at a crossroads.

A guided virtual journey into traditional indigenous ceremony, healing, and re-connection to the emerging gifts of Mother Earth.

On the other side of fear, uncertainty and grief exists the great opportunity for self-discovery – a call to live with intention, cultivate deeper connections, and build vibrant, healthy and inclusive communities from laying down the brick-work for new foundations. Ones based on principles of co-operation, reciprocity, collective wellbeing and stewardship.

To ride the wave of this time, anchor into our strength, and be guided by our hearts – we require tools. Ones that help us to remain grounded, alchemize our emotions, connect with our innate wisdom, inspire curious creativity, and maintain a deep connection to ourselves, one another, and the natural world.

Join us in ceremony and cross-cultural community as we connect with the wisdom of traditional indigenous healing, guided from the sacred lands of Oaxaca, Mexico.

Experience the transformative wisdom of these ancient principles of healing and connection, from the intimacy of your home.



+ WHERE: Online via Zoom (& private online community space for integration)


Payment Plans Available -
please email us to set you up!

*Sliding scale is being offered to help make this cultural exchange and ceremony experience more accessible. Please choose honestly based on your current financial situation

+ BIPOC and ACCESSIBILITY FUND: We acknowledge that ceremony and working with sacred plant medicine is ancient traditional knowledge. Due to colonization and migration, many have lost connection to their birthright and inheritance. We recognize that these types of experiences are then frequently made inaccessible due to price. We're committed to creating future spaces where accessibility to traditional wisdom and cultural exchange is made more easily available to diverse communities as a way to help break down existing barriers.

* If you're experiencing financial hardship but feel called to participate in these sessions, please send an email with the subject line “Ceremonia Sessions Funding Request” – once we receive your request we’ll reach out to you directly to determine how we can best support you to be a part of this experience. Please don’t be shy!


How To Prepare & What To Expect


  • A laptop or smartphone with the Zoom app, and reliable internet access for each Session date.

+ CEREMONY BUNDLE YOU’LL BE RECEIVING: After receiving your registration, you’ll be mailed a beautifully handmade ceremony bundle - a $40 value. Every item inside has been sourced ethically and locally, made with a lot of intention and love between our homes in Canada and Oaxaca.

+ MADRE TIERRA: Our greatest teacher and healer. We’ll be honouring Mother Earth in our ceremonies by working with the forces and cycles of nature, the elements, introducing herbal remedies, techniques and recipes, and bringing attention to the wisdom of her cycles that also exist within ourselves as part of nature.

+ ANCESTRAL REMEMBRANCE: Indigenous cultures maintain a strong and active connection to their ancestral roots. They believe that human beings need their ancestors, otherwise we become lost, because the ancestors are our root and everything in life comes from our connection, or disconnection, to this source.

+ RITUAL: At the core of ceremony is ritual. What we practice with intention, we become. As you begin using the tools and techniques shared in these Sessions you’ll begin to develop your own personal practice to support your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing as part of the collective experience.

+ GROUNDING: Grounding into our environments is a fundamental practice that maintains our unwavering centre in times of challenge and supports us in processing our emotions and experiences.

+ MEDITATION: Cultivating greater stillness and presence allows us to turn down the inner chatter and observe our mind from a place of grounded curiosity and greater presence.

+ BREATHWORK: Connecting to our breath helps us release trapped energy and stuck emotions. Engaging in breathwork practice can be used to encourage the circulation of energy or to calm our nervous system, allowing us to feel more grounded, lighthearted and present.

+ SOMATIC TECHNIQUES: Embodiment practices recognize the relationship between the body and the mind. Working with somatic techniques support us in becoming more present, grounded and help us to process the emotions we store in our bodies. Breathwork, grounding exercises, meditation, movement, somatic release (screaming, stomping, singing, dancing), music, mindfulness, are all embodiment exercises that we’ll be exploring.

+ PLANT ALLIES: Plant allies are an essential part of Traditional Medicine. We’ll be working with herbal remedies in the form of teas, baths, salves, aromatics and culinary recipes. Indigenous traditions believe that by using plants we have access not only to their physical benefits but also, to their expanded states of awareness via their spirit. You’ll also learn how to prepare some detoxifying culinary staples for your kitchen.


Please reach out and send us an email!

Spring 2021 Schedule

Ceremonia Sessions Lorena Kitchen

The changing seasons are touchstone points for the cycle of life in nature. Indigenous cultures are intimately connected to earth-based wisdom and understand that the four transition points of the year – Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox – also illuminate stages of an inner journey – a spiritual cycle the individual takes within themselves. As we consciously link our awareness with nature's cycles, our understanding of our own existence as a part of nature, rather than outside of it, begins to deepen.

The significance of the Spring Equinox and the following months is the time of year where we begin to emerge from the slow, dark, and reflective period of Winter. As we allow ourselves to fully step into the warm light and budding environment around us, we begin to witness new growth emerging all around us and even within us. As we enter more vibrant months ahead and focus on re-balancing the mind, body, and spirit, April will be a potent time to begin our Spring Ceremonia Sessions together.

*Each session will be recorded and sent out within 24 hours to our members-only Exchange platform that you’ll be added to.


Opening Light Ceremony

DURATION: 90 Minutes

We’ll begin the 4-week Ceremonia Sessions with a Live opening ceremony led from Oaxaca. Together we’ll set our intention for our collective experience over the coming weeks in the opening ceremony. Lorena and Claudia will guide us in meditation, share the importance of protecting our energy and detoxifying the body during this season of emergence and growth, and how to keep the body, mind and spirit in balance.

We’ll learn about the eternal relationship between light and darkness within the balance of life, and how to protect our energy during the season ahead, and how to stay open to unfolding in alignment with our individual life path.


Tonalpohualli (Aztec) Calendar System

DURATION: 90 minutes

In the second session we’ll be introduced to and explore the Tonalpohualli calendar system by Venus, a specialist in reading the Aztec calendar. Each participant will receive an individual Tonalpohualli reading sent digitally prior to the session. The individual Tonalpohualli readings are believed to help us know more about ourselves, our essence, and how to live in alignment.

We’ll also spend time talking about the importance of protecting our individual light, and be joined by Ines, an indigenous healer who works with the earth’s oldest elements in the form of crystals to help people protect their energies. We’ll be learning from her about the importance of protecting our spirit during this time and setting strong and healthy boundaries.


Mind, Body, Spirit Detox w/ Plant Allies

DURATION: 90 minutes

The third session will begin with a reconnection to Madre Tierra where we will be going on an immersive botanical plant medicine walk through a special landscape of Oaxaca. We’ll be focusing on how the land nourishes us, as well as learning how we can live in a more regenerative balance with her by adopting the qualities of reciprocity in our everyday lives. Lorena will also be leading us through an alignment ritual and sharing with us the importance of balancing the mind, body and spirit for our overall wellbeing.

In this session, we’ll also be learning hands-on in a culinary workshop about detoxifying the body and liver through our food and will be creating staples together for our kitchens from what this season is providing us.

Closing Cacao Ceremony

DURATION: 90 minutes

In our final session, we’ll spend time with our personal intentions and missions as beings of light in the world, what that means to you, how to align with your path, and talk about what guides us on our path.

We’ll be finishing our 4-week journey into traditional indigenous ritual and healing with a fire and cacao ceremony and setting our personal intentions for this season ahead of us increasingly filled with light, warmth, creative energy and growth.

The communities we will be connecting with and learning from throughout these sessions are some of Mexico’s and the World’s most vulnerable to the ongoing effects of COVID-19. Most of the Indigenous and rural communities in the State of Oaxaca remain closed off from non-community members. People have to stay in their villages to protect themselves and one another, and only the village authorities are allowed to go to the cities to buy supplies for the community or sell produce at the markets.

A portion of profits from the Spring Ceremonia Sessions will be shared with women of these communities so that they can be of further service to the health of their communities during this challenging time.


Please reach out and send us an email!