Rooting Psychedelics Learning Journey

As a practitioner of modern Western medicine, Rooting Psychedelics has been a beautiful and necessary part of my education, honouring and re-contextualizing the powerful plant medicines gifted to us all by nature. I learned so much about their sacred lives and relationships with humanity, at least as part of one prominent Mesoamerican cosmovision. I also found myself in an inspiring community space with open-hearted individuals from across the continent, sharing invaluable wisdom and generating hope for a brighter future as stewards of this planet. I will carry these lessons with me as I interact with these and other plant medicines throughout my life. All in all, I feel this course was a great feat in community building, cross-cultural knowledge sharing and the honouring of ancient cosmovision in a modern format. I am so grateful to have been a part of it.


Rooting Psychedelics Learning Journey


Rooting Psychedelics Learning Journey