Wisdom of Death: Re-embodying Generative Stories of Life, Death, Grief, and Renewal

from CA$125.00
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A month-long, multi-teacher, online container and embodied learning journey exploring the impermanence and interconnection of life processes and the power of generative storytelling–guiding and inspiring us, and our grief, to move toward the limitless realms of transformation, renewal, and aliveness.


The regular exchange for this month-long learning journey is $275.00 CAD (8+ hours of facilitated practice and learning). Fairly valuing the time, presence, expertise, and energy put into co-creating and facilitating the course container by our teachers, and allowing us the ability to sustain future offerings. In other words, $34/hour.
The price is in CANADIAN Dollars. To check prices in your preferred currency, we offer the resource to this
conversion calculator.

  • It’s important to us that our course offerings are financially accessible for as many people as possible. Therefore, if you are feeling called to participate but require financial support, please take advantage of the Sliding Scale booking option.

  • The more people who participate at the higher level, the more bursaries we’ll be able to give. If you are economically secure, we respectfully ask you to offer what helps you feel generous, rather than contracted, to support those who are experiencing financial hardship or live in less-resourced regions of the world. (Thank you to Reverend Angel Kyodo Williams and The Work That Reconnects for this economic model.)

  • If you would like to become a seed supporter of our Bursary Program, so that we may offer more access to those experiencing financial constraints, we would be honoured if you considered choosing “Seed Supporter Registration” when confirming your participation. Seed Supporters are people who have more access to wealth and can afford to pay a little more to support our Bursary fund and sliding-scale offerings that provide future access to those with less access to wealth.

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