Gather Film: Virtual Screening and Panel Gathering with Cast

from CA$5.00
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Gather is a critically acclaimed documentary film that weaves an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political and cultural identities through food sovereignty while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide.

Join us for Indigenous History Month in supporting and amplifying Gather, and the themes presented this beautiful and moving film.


Pay What You Can Donation (goes to supporting the important work of communities featured in the film, and to the Indian Residential Schools Survivors Society).


1:30-2:00pm EST: Land acknowledgment and opening meditation

2:00-3:15pm EST: Live screening of the film (75 min)

3:30-4:30pm EST: Interactive gathering, discussion and Q+A with Cast and other invitees, followed by a closing meditation.

*A link to the virtual Screening Room where you will join the event will be sent to the email you reserved your ticket a day before the event.

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