Ceremonia Sessions: The Wisdom of Death - Transforming New Beginnings from Nature's Endings

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A concentrated 2-day online course from November 19-20, 2022, taught from an indigenous earth-based wisdom perspective on how to transform new beginnings from Nature's endings.

  • If you would like to become a seed supporter of our Bursary program, so that we may offer more access to these courses for more folks, we would be honoured if you considered choosing “Supporter” when booking your spot. Supporter tickets are for folks who have the means and can afford to pay a little more in order to support our Bursary program to provide access to those who can not afford the regular price of courses.

  • If you require financial support to access this course PLEASE REACH OUT. We will be offering a limited number of places at a reduced price through a sliding scale pay-what-you-can model. First come, first serve, no questions asked.

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